In the News: Long Island’s Drinking Water is the Worst in the State! Processed Food Sales in Drug Stores Replaces Supermarkets!
Posted on June 5, 2019
Long Island’s Drinking Water has more Contaminants than Anywhere else in the State!
NY Public Interest Research Group has just completed a review of all the drinking water in New York State, and the Long Island region
was by far the worst! Some of the contaminants exceeded the federal health advisory levels, although they did not conclude the health risks of each contaminant.
If we leave it to this administration’s EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), they will probably adjust the federal health advisory levels so that we look like we are in compliance, even though our water is contaminated!
There is also a new category called “emerging contaminants” which includes industrial chemicals from spills, wastewater, and components in personal-care products, like shampoo, detergent, and micro-beads. These contaminants either weren’t known about in the past, or weren’t detectable with the older, available science, but now they can screen for them. Long Island’s drinking water comes from aquifers below the ground, as opposed to NYC drinking water which comes from an upstate reservoir. The bottom line is that everything we do effects our water, from the fertilizers we use to the personal care products. Check out for more information on what you can do, and read this
article in Newsday for more details on the report.
Drug Stores are Replacing the Need (Not Really) for Supermarkets in Neighborhoods Known as “Food Deserts”
What a perfect marriage! CVS now sells more groceries than Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s combined! Of course the groceries are not fresh fruits, vegetables or organic foods, they are all processed foods. Microwavable meals, sodas, sugary cereals, and deli meats. The
kinds of foods that make you sick and unhealthy. Then you can shop for your medicines and over the counter digestion drugs to mask the problems at the same store. The new one stop shopping experience! Just the thought of this situation makes me sick!
Posted in In The News
Tagged with: #aquifers, #components in personal-care products, #contaminants, #drinking water, #Drug Stores, #emerging contaminants, #environmental protection agency, #federal health advisory levels, #Food Deserts, #health risks, #industrial chemicals from spills,, #Long Island's Drinking Water, #NY Public Interest Research Group, #NYPIRG, #processed foods, #wastewater June 5, 2019
Bhavani Jaroff
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