In the News: National Grid is Forced to Stop Construction of Their North Brooklyn Pipeline! While the Public is Focused on the COVID-19 Pandemic, Our Government is Continuing to Destroy Our Environment!

National Grid considered their pipeline to be “essential construction”, but the residents in North Brooklyn did not agree!

Today, workers and neighbors are safer because grassroot movements, such as SANE Energy, stood up to the multinational corporation, National Grid, to demand a HALT to their pipeline construction in North Brooklyn. This pipeline is poisonous, and is being built for shareholder profit, not public benefit, and is poising a risk to the neighborhood.


While we are all focused on staying healthy and avoiding the pandemic, our government gives a “Green Light” to big corporations to destroy our environment!

The EPA appears to be using coronavirus to make huge concessions to polluters!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a freeze on enforcing environmental regulations due to the coronavirus pandemic! This is just an excuse to advance the Trump administration’s long-standing de-regulatory agenda.

The rule, which will remain in place indefinitely, means factories, power plants, and other major polluters have tremendous discretion in deciding whether or not they think the coronavirus will prevent them from meeting legal requirements on air and water pollution and hazardous waste management. The EPA will not be fining companies for violating certain requirements on limiting pollution during this time.

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