PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! We don’t want kids to go hungry!
MONSANTO FINALLY PAYS UP!This is big news. Bayer, following its 2018 acquisition of Monsanto, will pay up to $10.9 billion to settle nearly 100,000 individual lawsuits alleging that exposure to the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup causes cancer. I’m sure there will be more law suits to follow!
BREAKING NEWS: the Supreme Court just ruled 5-4 that a Louisiana law restricting abortion was unconstitutional!I was so glad to hear about this ruling. Every women has a right to reproductive healthcare of their choice! Even though I was relieved today, the fact that courts are still making decisions about women’s bodies, tells us that we can’t take our rights over our own bodies for granted. We all need to help elect pro-choice champions up & down the ballot. Anti-choice laws being challenged in the Supreme Court are being written in State Houses across this country, and while you and I can’t make decisions as Supreme Court Justices, you and I can work to elect pro-choice champions to defend our reproductive freedom. |
Healthy Soil=Healthy Food
I wanted to share a great article with you from Forbes Magazine. It clearly explains why we need to support the regeneration of our soil, and the farmers who are committed to that practice. As I have always said, “All broccoli’s are not created equal.” This article will shed light on the problems we face and how healthy soil can absorb carbon from the atmosphere to mitigate global warming, increase yields, improve resilience to floods and droughts, and protects us from toxins that get passed on from contaminated soil.
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