In the News: The Trump Administration Is At It Again!! The 10 Day Truth About Health Conference Starts on Friday!!

The Trump Administration Is At It Again! Weakening the Standards of a Healthy School Lunch Program!

Say good-bye to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, and hello again to a high fat, high salt, junk food menu! On Friday, the Trump administration proposed another change to the National School Lunch Program, allowing schools to replace the current requirements of offering daily selections of fruits and vegetables and replacing them with potatoes, pastries, pasta, pizza, french fries, and burgers. Back in 2017, the USDA started granting schools exemptions to the Whole Grain Requirement, allowing them to return to white bread, high salt and whole milk in the school lunch program, and now they are taking it even further, removing any resemblance of a healthy lunch program.

Many extra foods would be offered as an à la carte item, increasing the ability to eat high fat, unhealthy foods for lunch, instead of a balanced school lunch meal. For many children who live in food insecure households, school food is what they depend on for their meals, and this change will reverse the improvements we have seen in childhood obesity and diabetes, since Michelle Obama first introduced the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, back in 2010.


If you live in the New York Tri-State Area, you are close enough to take advantage of the free, 10 Day, The Real Truth About Health Conference, which is taking place at the Hilton Hotel in Melville on Long Island. There are so many great speakers coming in for this event, that there are too many to name, but my guest from last week, Jeffrey Smith, will be there, along with this week’s guest, Stacy Malkan. Slow Food North Shore will be screening Jeffrey Smith’s new documentary film, Secret Ingredients, at the Landmark on Main Street on January 26th from 3-5pm and Jeffrey will be there following the film to answer any questions.


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