In the News: Trump is Rolling Back Progress Again, but Teachers are Rejecting Fast Food in Schools

Hi Everyone,

After years of hard work to improve the National School Lunch Program, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that it will roll back all of the advances it made, and return the lunch program back to pre-Obama era improvements. Schools will no longer need to reduce sodium levels or provide whole grains. They can return to more refined sugars, white flour burger buns, waffles, french fries and pizza crusts. This will impact millions of children who participate in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, and effect their health for years to come. School lunches will no longer be consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as is required by the law.

This makes me so made! This Administration doesn’t care about children’s health or the health of the poor! They only care about saving money for the 1%, and have no regard for the people in need.

In another proposed rule, the Trump administration is trying to change the basis on which the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) grants the states waivers restricting unemployed adults without children to three months of SNAP benefits in a three-year period. This could remove 755,000 from receiving SNAP benefits, and increase hunger in this country.

On a high note, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which represents 1.7 million educators across the U.S., officially passed a resolution that rejects all fast food marketing in schools, including McTeacher’s Nights and fundraisers. AFT’s recognizes the impact that marketing has on children, and they want no part of it!  Learn more about this epic victory, and what you can do to keep building momentum on this campaign!