In the News: We Need More Positive Environmental Marketing!

It’s Simple, but Powerful. Positive Environmental Marketing Can Make a Difference!

I stopped in at Starbucks, which was the first store, other than a grocery store, that I have been in since mid-March. Seeing everyone wearing face masks and waiting on line with 6′ between us, it hit me hard. This was the new normal for the foreseeable future. I had to hold back my tears.

When I walked over to the garbage to throw out my cup, I was taken back by the messaging on the trash bin. Instead of saying “recycle” or “trash”,  it said “recycle” or “landfill”. It made me stop and think, is this cup recyclable or do I want to be adding it to the landfill? The message was clear, that there is no such thing as throwing something out. Either it gets recycled, (or composted) or it ends up in the landfill. Most people don’t want to add to the landfill, so they will stop and think about what they are throwing out, and put it in the proper receptacle. I think this type of positive, subtle, messaging can be expanded to help people make better choices across the board, in their food, their health, and in the environment.

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