In the News: What Was Agreed to at COP26?

For those of us who were hopeful that the Climate Summit would result in big commitments from nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, watched from the sidelines, thoroughly disappointed. What will it take for our world leaders to put down their personal agendas and take great strides to reign in global warming? The science is there, the examples of the devastation have already been felt, and the predictions of what is to come are terrifying, yet our leaders could not come to a consensus.

Below is the meager list of what was agreed on at COP26.  It is not enough to get us where we need to be in order to avert the most dangerous impacts of climate change.

  • The US and China agreed to work together this decade to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C
  • More than 100 world leaders promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030, including Brazil, home to the Amazon rainforest
  • The US and the EU announced a global partnership to cut emissions of the greenhouse gas methane by 2030 – reducing methane in the atmosphere is seen as one of the best ways to quickly reduce global warming
  • More than 40 countries committed to move away from coal – but the world’s biggest users like China and the US did not sign up!!
  • A new alliance that commits countries to set a date to ending oil and gas use – and halting any new licenses for exploration

My heart aches for the nations and communities that will be most impacted by the devastation, for our children and grandchildren, for the animals, plants, and oceans. I know we could do better, and it infuriates me that our leaders are more committed to corporate interests than to the good of humanity.

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