Keep Soil in Organics; Protect Natural Ecosystems; Fight the Keystone XL; Demand Investigation of Monsanto

Keep the Soil in Organics

Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Congressman Peter Welch, have called for a moratorium on new hydroponic organic certification.  A letter signed by 45 organizations representing over two million members also called for a moratorium. The National Organic Program still has not responded.

Please join me and the resistance by telling the USDA to keep the soil in organics! Sign and post your comments here!! Read more or follow the instructions provided by Cornucopia Institute here.

Protect Natural Ecosystems

“The National Organic Program’s (NOP) three-year waiting period for land to be free of prohibited substances unintentionally incentivizes producers to convert native ecosystems since this land is instantly ready for organic production. While organic agriculture is an ecological management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, it offers no environmental protections prior to certification.

Fortunately, the NOSB just released a Discussion Document (pages 1-2 and 79-86 shown) seeking public comments in order to decide their recommendation to the NOP on how to address this critical issue. 

Wild Farm Alliance and partner organizations are encouraging the NOSB to make a recommendation to the NOP to add a rule for bringing new land into organic production. The goal of a rule change is to protect native ecosystems in a way that defines them clearly and dissuades organic producers from converting them.” -Wild Farm Alliance

We need your voice in the movement to protect our native ecosystems and ensure the integrity of the organic label is maintained. 

Click here for talking points and instructions on how to submit a comment to the NOSB. 

Fight Back to Stop the Keystone XL 

It seems like only yesterday we had our victory under the Obama Administration when he rejected a permit for the “tar sands pipeline that would connect Alberta, Canada with Gulf Coast refineries that would carry 800,000 barrels per day of tar sands oil across the United States to be refined, exported and burned.” 

Bill Mckibben‘s was one of many online (and offline) environmental activists groups working hard to stop the worst of the ‘black snakes’. Due to geographical location and atmospheric conditions, extracting tar sands oil has a massive carbon footprint — requiring more energy to produce it than what it will create.

Although TransCanada (the energy company behind the drilling) has a few more permits to get (namely in Nebraska) and funding to complete their truly harrowing pipeline project (for carbon emissions are leading us to the worst climate crisis ever!), we need to join the activists and indigenous people’s who are right about the fight not being over yet…

Learn what’s happening now!! Spread the word and fight back in your local community! 

Demand Investigation of Monsanto and their Toxic Practice

“For decades, Monsanto has enjoyed a revolving-door relationship with government agencies like the EPA and USDA, giving the chemical company unprecedented power to influence and manipulate the regulatory process.” 

Yet recently, new evidence of this corruption came to light when emails were leaked showing that they and individuals in the EPA are fully responsible for lying to the public thereby endangering the safety of people and the planet!

Spread the word, sign the petition here and demand that public safety be a priority for Congress and Trump’s administration!