Keep the Pressure on Single-Use Bags To Reduce Waste; Comment NOW to Stop OFF Shore Drilling; Say NO to Loopholes for Pollution; Show Your Support and Let’s Fix the Farm Bill 2018

Tell Your Representative: Don’t Break Your Promise on Plastic Bags

Photo: Steve Jacobs/AP

We used billions of single-use plastic bags every year, and many of those end up in the streets and eventually, make their way into our waterways. The Riverkeeper cites a massive amount of waste during their Sweep cleanup, including plastic bags and microplastics, which are known to cause harm to our Hudson River Estuary.

Governor Cuomo must follow through on his promise to address plastic bag pollution. Urge him to take action and introduce legislation to address single-use plastic bags.  Write a personalized letter telling Cuomo why this issue is not only important to your and your family, but for all the generations to come!

Comment to the BOEM to STOP OFF SHORE Drilling


Say NO to Loopholes for Polluters: Stop the Legislation From Pulling Back

Long ago, Congress passed a law ensuring that communities deserve to know what toxic substances are being released in their midst, no matter who emits them. AlarmiAlegislative effort to exempt factory farms from having to report their hazardous emissions of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide as is required by this federal law.

CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW and urge them to oppose the Fischer CAFO bill (Senate Bill 2421)! Senator Kirsten Gillibrand at (202) 224-4451 and Senator Chuck Schumer at(202) 224-6542 

Sample Phone Script:

I am a constituent of the Senator, and I urge him/her to oppose the Fair Agricultural Reporting Method (FARM) Act, S. 2421. This bill is NOT fair as it actually allows polluting factory farms to emit hazardous substances without reporting this information. As a member of the public, I have a right to know if my neighboring factory farms are emitting hazardous substances such as ammonia. Please tell the Senator to VOTE NO on S. 2421. Thank you!


Show Your Support for Farm Bill 2018: Let’s Reduce Our Production of Junk Food NOW!

“If Congress wants to help reduce malnutrition and diet-related disease, it should include legislation in the Farm Bill to encourage the production of more organic vegetables—instead of considering nonsense proposal’s like Trump’s “Harvest Box” which would force-feed nutrient-poor processed (and highly subsidized) foods to SNAP recipients. It’s time to stop letting Congress use the Farm Bill to subsidize the richest landowners growing monocultures of Monsanto’s pesticide-drenched genetically engineered grains used to make high fructose corn syrup, ethanol and feed for animals in factory farms.” -Organic Consumer’s Association

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress: Put More Veggies—and Less Junk Food—in the Farm Bill!


SAVE THE DATE: April 23rd Rally to Albany for %100 Renewable Enery

Find more details then register for you bus pick-up location online here!

New Yorkers are already seeing an increase in extreme weather due to climate change. And five years after Superstorm Sandy, the recovery is still far from complete. We need to do all we can to avoid even more severe flooding and destruction. Sign the petition from Food and Water Watch and Tell Albany to protect New Yorkers by moving us completely off fossil fuels by 2030.

Let’s Speak Up About NOT Dumping Waste into Pebble Mine, AK

Up to 10 billion tons of dangerous waste dumped. Ninety miles of salmon streams destroyed. More than 5,000 acres of wetlands, ponds and lakes polluted.
If the Pebble Mine project moves forward, it would be an absolute catastrophe for Alaska’s Bristol Bay. Friends of the Earth members like you sent more than 100,000 comments opposing this destructive project – but the fight isn’t over, and it’s never been more important to keep making our voices heard.

Food and Water Watch Shares URGENT NEWS: Share Widely!

Polluting oil companies like Chevron are selling their dirty oil wastewater to irrigation districts in California, and that water is used to grow food that is sold in grocery stores across the country!

“This practice has been happening for too long with little to no regulation. These companies are exploiting consumers like you and the farmworkers who grow the crops — all to profit off putting our health at risk. It’s time that we expose Big Oil, large agribusinesses and the politicians who have enabled this practice! Check out our video on oil wastewater irrigation made by renowned filmmaker Jon Bowermaster, then sign our petition to ban the practice!” – Food and Water Watch



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