Let’s Clean-up Trumpcare & Help the Millions Uninsured; Tell the FDA to Label Our Food; Quick signature needed: Block Jeff Holmstead from EPA

Make a Call: Help Stop Trumpcare!

The Senate Republican Healthcare bill is collapsing and millions of people will be uninsured!!!


The Senate could vote on this bill in the next few days. Call your senators and demand they vote NO on Trumpcare:

  1. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
  2. Follow the recorded prompts to be connected to one of your senators (select a Republican senator, if you have one). Once you’re connected, be clear and concise about your opposition to the health care bill. If you have a personal story to share, tell it!
  3. Fill out this form to let us know what happened. This is important! Reporting back on your call is the best way for us to track impact.


314 Action is asking us to take a moment and call (202) 224-3121 to tell our senators to shut down Trumpcare — then let them know how it went!


Consumer’s Union Asks Us to Make A Call to Help Stop this ‘Reckless Proposal’

If we don’t stop this reckless proposal, millions of Americans will lose life-saving coverage. Benefits will decrease and prices will rise even for those lucky enough to keep their insurance. With a vote coming in the next week, we don’t have much time to respond.

Call your Senators now at (844) 311-1880 and tell them to oppose this harmful healthcare bill that would take coverage away from millions and end Medicaid as we know it.



I’m calling today to ask Senator ____ to strongly oppose the new healthcare bill. Millions of people will lose their healthcare under the latest version of the bill. And millions more will see their out-of-pocket costs rise. I’m very concerned that the latest draft of this bill goes even further than the House bill in cutting hundreds and hundreds of billions from Medicaid.

This is a critical moment for our nation’s healthcare. I hope Senator _____ will oppose this legislation.

Thank you for your time.


They just need 51 votes to pass the bill. Our job is to convince just a few Senators to vote no. That’s why it’s so important we all speak out today — your voice is critical.

Call our Senate hotline at (844) 311-1880 to be connected with your Senator’s office now.

Tell the FDA: Label Our Food for #ConsumersRighttoKnow

The deadline to tell the Food and Drug Administration that you are opposed to the delay of menu labeling is a week from today.

Act now to join you voice with thousands of Americans who think seven years has been far too long to wait for this life-saving information.

Make no mistake: Lobbyists for convenience stores, pizza chains, and other special interests want to use this delay to KILL menu labeling, which is why it is so important for you to make your voice heard.

Join the Center for Science and Public Interest by taking action here!

 Quick signature needed: Block Jeff Holmstead from top EPA job

“Any day now, Donald Trump could nominate Jeff Holmstead — a coal industry lobbyist — for the #2 job at the EPA.

This is a disaster! Our environmental protections are in big trouble. We need to stop Holmstead from getting the job.

Holmstead hasn’t been officially nominated yet. If we make it clear that he’d be blocked in the Senate, we can stop Trump from going through with it. So we need you to tell your Senators to stop this nomination!” – Friends of the Earth

Tell your Senators to stop fossil fuel crony Jeff Holmstead from getting the #2 job at the EPA!