“Let’s Cook Dinner Together” TONIGHT! iEat Green is Busy Planting a Climate Garden and Making Sourdough Bread!! Bhavani Welcomes Chef Carrie Weiss to the Progressive Radio Network!

Hi Everyone,

“Let’s Cook Dinner Together” TONIGHT at 5!

During this Covid19 pandemic, iEat Green continues to offer a weekly Wednesday night, “Let’s Cook Dinner Together”cooking class on Zoom, where we will all be able to make a delicious, plant-based dinner together. Tonight we will be making some of my favorite Indian dishes! Beginning at 5 pm, EST, we will chop, cook, drink, and have fun, while getting dinner on the table! Please sign up, so I can send you the recipe ahead of time, and you can have most of the ingredients on hand. The recipes are flexible, so if you don’t have all of the ingredients, you can substitute something else or leave it out.

Please register in advance here for this Zoom Cooking Class

Because I want these classes to be accessible to everyone, there is no charge. However, if you would like to contribute to offset my expenses, it would be much appreciated. You can make a contribution here.


The Sourdough Obsession

I just made my first ever sourdough bread, and it was an experience! I had the benefit of a mentor, giving me the starter and guiding me through each step. I now understand how it becomes an obsession for people, and I think I caught the bug!!


It is so delicious! I look forward to mastering the technique, and adding Calamata Olives, seeds of all kinds, and any other concoction I can dream up to my sourdough bread!


My Climate Garden!

This Spring has been so weird, between the Covid-19 virus, and the cold rainy weather, it has been a challenge to get out into the garden, but it is finally warming up, and I am excited to get my hands in the soil! My snow peas, sugar snap peas, arugula, and micro-greens are all coming up, and I’m heading out there now to plant my lettuce and other greens. If you need to get your hands in the soil, feel free to come on over and lend a hand. I promise to keep a safe social distance, and I’ll send you home with a basket full of veggies!


Carrie Weiss, Food as Medicine Chef, Joins Bhavani on PRN!

My guest this week on the Progressive Radio Network is Carrie Weiss, chef, and consultant to the restaurant industry.

Carrie is an international culinary professional with a creative flair and a passion for food. She is proficient in Vegan, Raw Vegan, Vegetarian, Kosher, French, Spanish, and Middle Eastern cuisines, as well as Italian, Greek, Asian and other global fare. 

Eight years ago, due to personal medical issues, Carrie’s focus switched to Food as Medicine, and she has become an expert in clean cuisine and the elimination diet.

This past September, after being diagnosed with type two diabetes, Carrie began following a special protocol to reverse her diabetes and completely changed the way she ate. She is now passionate about combining her culinary skills with her knowledge about “Food as Medicine” and helping other people reverse their own metabolic health issues.

Currently, Carrie is working with an Integrative MD in southern New Jersey at the Chung Institute Center for Metabolic Healing, while co-authoring a book on metabolic healing. Please join us on Thursday for what promises to be a very informative conversation.

My radio show, iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network is live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in to the live show, just navigate to PRN.fm and listen in!

If you miss our live show please listen on iTunes by downloading the Podcast App.

If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call-in number is 888-874-4888. If you are listening to the podcast after the live broadcast, you can still ask me a question by leaving me a voicemail message at 862-800-6805. Just remember to say your name, what show you’re calling about (iEat Green with Bhavani), and your question. The message will be passed on to me, and I will get back to you.

With Love and Gratitude,


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