April 14th is the MARCH FOR SCIENCE: Find Your Local Rally or Join Us in D.C.

Picture from report by CNN (2017) on March for Science.
This Saturday, April 14, thousands of people will march together to support science for the common good. Join me in the movement to support science by engaging with local events, or start your own! This could be anything from science expos and festivals, to rallies and large-scale marches, but they are united with shared goals. The March for Science aims to energize science advocates from people across private and public sectors, demanding that public officials deserve greater accountability.
I think many of you are already familiar with the onslaught of harmful changes proposed by Scott Pruitt and the EPA, and we have to stop them! So, find your your local march at MarchforScience.com. Find details on locations, local merchandise and fundraising, and more! If there isn’t something happening near you then start your own!!
If you can’t make it to an event in person, then check out the Washington D.C. event that will be live streamed on March for Science website! You can check out the D.C. speaker line up and details here. Whether you’re attending an event in person or participating in the digital march, please RSVP!
MARCH on ALBANY (April 23rd): Tell Cuomo to Walk the Talk on Climate
Join me on the bus to Albany! Register for your Long Island/NY bus pick-up location online here! Those of you on the LI bus will get dinner on me! I will be making a vegetarian dinner for us all to share, as we ride back from Albany on Monday, April 23rd.
In the meantime, let’s continue to spread the word about taking action and build the pressure to let Governor Cuomo know what we think! Two years ago, Governor Cuomo promised us a Risk Assessment report, which would investigate and review the potential dangers of having the expanded Spectra “Algonquin” Pipeline adjacent to the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. As of now, we still have not gotten that report!
We deserve to know what public health and environmental risks we face, as well as have our concerns addressed, and the threats minimized. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION and a team from Action Network will deliver it to Governor Cuomo on April 23rd when New Yorkers from across the state are descending on Albany to tell Governor Cuomo to “walk the talk” on climate.
Tell Cuomo that You Care About Our Water and Him Keeping His Word
“Using energy more efficiently is the cheapest way New York can meet its clean energy goals. It also protects the Hudson River Estuary and its communities by preventing the need for dangerous gas pipelines and massive fossil fuel power plants, like CPV Valley Energy Center. Governor Cuomo should use this opportunity to announce a nation-leading energy efficiency program with bold, clear, and enforceable targets. Unfortunately, New York lags behind its neighboring states on energy efficiency and can do much more to help promote energy efficiency. Governor Andrew Cuomo has committed to ushering in an energy efficiency initiative that will cut energy waste and create jobs in the growing clean energy sector, by Earth Day. Urge him to follow through on his promise by making it as aggressive as possible.” – Riverkeeper NY
Urge Governor Cuomo to show national leadership on climate change by advancing a comprehensive, equitable, and ambitious energy efficiency initiative.
Join Slow Food USA During their “GIVE WHAT YOU CAN” Day, coming up this Earth Day
On Sunday, April 22nd, Slow Food USA is offering new members an opportunity to join this international grassroots organization for any amount! That’s right! Any donation amount makes you a member, and you’ll be part of a world wide movement to improve our food system, and to make sure all people have access to good, clean, healthy, nutritious food. Please join me in supporting Slow Food USA and the wonderful work they do! The link will become live on April 22nd, Earth Day!
Trump Administration is Working to Decrease Public and Wild Lands For Profit and Big Oil Gains: Let Us Stand Together and Say “NO” We Will Not Accept
“The Trump administration is rapidly pushing to sell off drilling rights in our national monuments and off our coasts, putting corporate profits above all else and threatening permanent damage to treasured vistas, Native American historical and cultural sites, wildlife, and local air and water quality. In one of the largest reductions of public land protections in U.S. history, Secretary Zinke recently shrank Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. The New York Times reports how oil was a key consideration in shrinking Bear Ears, while coal was a motivator for redrawing the boundaries of Grand Staircase. We have got to stop this insanity!
Sales of public lands have already begun. That’s why we’re working with allies to show just how many people oppose selling off and drilling up our public lands. Add your name to demand that the sell-offs stop NOW.
The Risk of Antibiotic-use in Industrialized Meat Production is Still HERE
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria a top priority for public health officials as early as 2012. Learn more about the threat that these ‘superbugs’ pose, online here, published by the Pew Charitable Trust.
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