Millions Against Monsanto; Support Food and Water Watch

All Monsanto wanted for Christmas was another gift from the U.S. EPA- they got it!

Sure enough, the EPA ignored mountains of research denying the harmful effects of Monsanto’s products. To the contrary, the EPA just proclaimed that Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller is “not harmful to humans.”

Organic Consumer’s Association is asking for our help. Their Millions Against Monsanto campaign will succeed if we all stick together. There is limited time to take advantage of a generous triple match offer.

Help them meet their year-end budget by making a donation today? You can donate online, by phone or by mail—details here. 


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EPA Closed

Eliminate the EPA? NO WAY!

During the campaign, Trump declared war on the Environmental Protection Agency. In his first weeks in office, he has frozen the hiring process at EPA and other agencies and issues executive orders that tie the agencies’ hands when it comes to doing their jobs.

Now, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) wants to abolish the EPA entirely.