My Interview with Catherine Gill on Thursday, May 5th

Hi Everybody,

Yesterday I had a great interview with Catherine Gill, the Sr. Vice President at Root Capital, which is a non profit, agricultural lending organization, that has helped small agricultural businesses and farmers in Latin America, Catherine Gillsub-Saharan Africa and Indonesia. I was very excited to learn about the organization, and to know that there are financial organizations that really care about changing the quality of life for those struggling in other parts of the world. Since Root Capital’s founding in 1999, it has lent over $1 Billion dollars to 500 enterprise, representing over 2 million small farmers. That’s huge! Investing with an impact is something I have talked a lot about, along with the movement to divest from fossil fuel companies, so I was thrilled to learn they are willing to work with the more traditional investing companies to help them set up “investing with an impact” programs at their institutions. To learn more about Root Capital, listen to our interview below, and check them out at