Hi Everyone,
This past Thursday, I had the pleasure and delight in speaking with Michel Pascal, about his life’s work, in teaching and sharing methods, to help one mediate the daily stresses of life. His approach to meditation can be done by anyone, and anywhere, using your breath and visualization practices. His method is now being practiced in prisons, rehab centers, with PTS veterans and victims of abuse, as well as at Google, Harvard University and the Dharma Centers in NY and LA. What makes his approach unique, is that you don’t need to set aside a lot of time, as it can be done while doing what you need to be doing! Whether your driving, cooking, or sitting at your computer, you can be doing it with the consciousness of ‘sitting like a mountain’.
We talked about food as medicine, and the need to reduce acidity in the body, and Michel pointed out that stress alone can cause acidity in your body, which can cause inflammation and disease. Meditation can reduce that stress. The mind-body connection is very clear, and when you can calm your mind, you can reduce your stress, which lowers the acidity and the inflammation in your body.
On May 14th, Michel is orchestrating a Meditation Concert, to take place in Times Square, followed by a silent picnic in Central Park, then another meditation in Penn Station and one in Grand Central Station. The idea is that if you can meditate in these places, you can meditate anywhere! Save the Date, and join us on May 14th!
In the meantime, if you missed my interview with Michel Pascal, you can listen to it below, and check out his book, Meditation for Daily Stress; 10 Practices for Immediate Well-Being
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