Hi All,
Yesterday, in recognition of National Farm to School Month, I invited Peter Allison from Farm to Institution New England (FINE) to join me on my radio show to talk about the local food movement, and to hear what their organization is doing to bring farm fresh food into schools, universities and hospitals.
“New Video and Case Studies Feature 7 Local Food Processors: New Video & Suite of 7 Case Studies Feature Local Food Processors Making Farm to Institution Easier”
I was so happy to hear how the movement for building a regional food system is growing and how the Farm to Institution NE organization is helping to strengthen those connections. Of course, there are always hurdles when paving a new path in this local food revolution. Peter explained some of the challenges to processing local food, as well as the innovative solutions that are helping to deliver local products to institutions and other markets in the region.
You can check out FINE’s Processor Video and Case Studies that highlight these challenges and solutions, and share significant insight for anyone interested in getting local food to institutions, or for anyone interested in owning or operating a food processing facility.
AND you can check out upcoming FINE events here, such as the Campus Farm Summit on Feb 10 at Stonehill College in Easton, MA.
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