Save the Soil
One of the last acts of the Obama Administration was to recognize the importance of soil. The new ‘Federal Strategic Plan for Soil Science‘ says:
“Soil is essential to human life. Not only is it vital for providing most of the world’s food, it plays a critical role in ensuring water quality and availability; supports a vast array of non-food products and benefits, including mitigation of climate change; and affects biodiversity important for ecological resilience. These roles make soil essential to modern life. Thus, it is imperative that everyone—city dwellers, farmers and ranchers, land owners, and rural citizens alike—take responsibility for caring for and investing in our soils.”
You can submit public comments until Jan. 10 through or by clicking here!
Special thanks to Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director of OCA.
Which Chemicals Are You Most Concerned About?
This one-question survey published by the Environmental Working Group will have you thinking about your priorities for the upcoming year. We may not always be able to make a four-course dinner, but that one-pot stove-top recipe will be just as tasty. I understand that life is about balance and adapting to what is in your control (or refrigerator!), so consider where you are willing let go or push harder as we all take steps which benefit the planet and your health.
Skin Deep® Adds More Than 1,000 Products Marketed to Black Women—But Less-Hazardous Choices Limited
“A smaller share of hair and beauty products marketed to Black women scored low in potentially harmful ingredients than products aimed at the general public, an EWG analysis of more than 1,000 products found. Because Black women appear to buy and use more personal care products, the limited options could mean they are being exposed to more potentially hazardous chemicals.”
Spread the word and do not be fooled by brand name marketing! We are all naturally beautiful and with the plethora of other healthier skincare products (also less expensive!) there is no need to support capitalist agendas which harm you! Keep tuned for my upcoming interview with Acharya, an ayurvedic practitioner.
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