NO Off-shore Drilling: Stop Trump’s Plan to Open Up Our Waters to Toxic Waste
“Remember the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster? It wreaked havoc on the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers and spewing nearly 5 million barrels of oil over the course of 3 months. The spill caused massive wildlife die-offs, including the largest dolphin die-off ever recorded in the Gulf of Mexico. The Trump administration wants to open up over 90% of our coasts to offshore drilling. That’s outrageous. Congress needs to take urgent action to block this reckless plan. And right now, the Senate is our best chance to push back against this grossly inappropriate handout to the oil and gas industry.” – Friends of the Earth
Demand a Replacement of NAFTA: Help Protect Food Sovereignty and Farm-workers Rights
The Trump administration is about to renegotiate NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the outcome could have huge impacts on our everyday lives.
Today’s NAFTA prioritizes wealthy corporate polluters at the expense of our environment. It even marginalizes family farmers and small, local producers – diminishing their ability to be competitive in a global market and taking jobs away from hard-working families. As written, NAFTA hurts both our planet and anyone trying to put affordable, healthy food on the table.
Call and Make Your Voice Heard: Help to Keep School Meals Healthy!
“USDA wants to weaken school nutrition standards by waiting three more years to reduce salt in school meals. Already, nine out of ten American kids eat too much salt. Don’t let the Trump Administration subject our children to higher risks of future heart attacks and strokes simply to appease special interests.” – Center for Science in the Public Interest
The deadline to oppose this plan is January 29. Sign the petition now to tell USDA to do its job and protect children’s health. President Trump’s administration announced its plans to “make school meals great again.” To you or me that would mean making school lunches healthier. But to Trump? It means weakening school nutrition.
Let’s Resist Monsanto Together: Tell National Co-op Grocer to #DumpBenandJerrys
“Natural food co-ops usually do a good job of stocking organic and avoiding GMO, pesticide-drenched and factory-farm food. So, we were surprised to learn that, even after we revealed that Ben & Jerry’s contained potentially dangerous levels of glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer, there were still a significant number of natural food co-ops selling Ben & Jerry’s.” – Organic Consumers Association
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