iEat Green offers consulting for individuals and families as well as corporations and small groups. iEat Green can help clients address concerns relating to preparing healthy meals, keeping a green home, or promoting corporate wellness.
iEat Green founder, Bhavani Jaroff, offers her expertise to those interested in learning how to design weekly meal plans, how to prepare healthy recipes for kids, how to integrate organic foods into kitchen offerings, or how to grow a vegetable garden in the backyard. Bhavani also uses her experience as a personal chef and natural foods educator to help clients design individual nutrition plans, improved school menus, and corporate catering plans suited to a myriad of health needs.
Specific consulting programs might include support for:
- Family Meal Planning
- School Cafeteria Programs
- Corporate Catering Plans
- Gluten-Free Nutrition Plans
- Dairy-Free Nutrition Plans
- Allergy Specific Nutrition Plans
- Immune Support Nutrition Plans
- Eating a Balanced Vegetarian Diet
- Introduction to Eating Vegan
- Time-saving Strategies and Tips
- Kitchen Design and Pantry Evaluation
- Cooking for Picky Eaters
- Weight Control Strategies
- Strategies for Stress Reduction
- Medicinal Diets
Please contact us to discuss how iEat Green’s services might be of assistance to you or to schedule an appointment.