Sign up to march in the #RISE NY March on September 6th
Climate change is a topic we cannot ignore any longer, and now is the time to make our voices heard. On September 6th, New York City will be the first in a nationwide event, where we will be marching to bring awareness to climate change and the effects it has on our world. The #RISENY March will be hosted in NYC on September 6th at 5:30pm, starting in Battery Park. The goal is to demand elected officials to make actual steps towards a more sustainable future.
We can expect New York leaders like, Mayor de Blasio, and Governor Cuomo, to seek the national spotlight for their progress on climate. At the Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice mobilization in NY, we will call on them to be true leaders and:
- Commit NY to 100% renewable energy
- Stop dirty fossil fuel infrastructure
- Make polluters pay for their climate damage
1,000’s of New Yorker’s will be rising to the occasion to demand change and raise awareness on the eve of the Global Climate Action Summit, taking place September 12th – 14th in San Francisco. Be a part of the change!
Sign up and RSVP for the #RISE NY March by clicking here:
Tell the EPA to Ban Monsanto’s Roundup Weedkiller!
In lieu of the recent landmark court case, where a terminally ill cancer patient was awarded $289 million in damages, and the jury found that Monsanto knowingly used the human carcinogen chemical, glyphosate, in their herbicide product Roundup, please take action to ban this product from our land! The cancer causing effects of the chemical have proven to be deadly and we cannot allow this product to continue to be used on our plants and in our soil. Please consider signing the petition today to let the EPA know this is not OK!
Sign the Petition today to BAN Monsanto’s Herbicide, Roundup
Another great way to stay informed and protect your family against potentially harmful chemicals is to sign up for the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides
Take Action on the Farm Bill Now! 
Action on the Farm Bill is set to happen after Labor Day, so now is the time to make your voice heard! When the Farm Bill Conferee’s get back together, they will have to hash out the differences between the two parties versions of the Farm Bill. Here is a more in-depth recap and update on the Farm Bill issue
It is important to write to your Farm Bill Conferee, so that important programs and policies are preserved. Here is a list of the Farm Bill Conferee’s;
Here are some ways you and your organization can get involved:
- Write a letter to your Farm Bill Conferee(s) urging support for organic or speak to the staffer who works on agriculture in that office. You can use the letter NOC sent to Farm Bill Conferees as a template.
- Meet with your Farm Bill Conferee(s) during the recess and urge support for organic, using the talking points in this NOC’s Conferee letter.
- Ask your organization’s members or other key stakeholders, especially farmers, to make phone calls to Farm Bill Conferees. We need your help to bolster support for the certification cost-share program, which is in danger, as well as defend against attacks on the NOSB, and advocate strongly for permanent baseline funding for organic research. Contact NOC for an action alert template.
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