How can you make your contribution to the People’s movement? I choose to help by donating to organizations which work hard to preserve our planet for future generations. Join me along with scientists and advocates for public health and climate work, as we stand together and resist rollbacks in policy which protects consumers and all beings everywhere. This Spring is the perfect time to plant the seeds we intend to sow for years to come. Become a member or donate to your preferred organization, if you share the belief that we ALL and EACH have a responsibility to protect precious water, vulnerable wildlife and wildlands!
The Organic Consumers Association’s (OCA) efforts and partnership with Regeneration International and other organizations, has helped to grow the people’s movement towards justice and sustainability. You can join the movement by making a tax-deductible donation to OCA’s spring fundraising campaign here.
AND/OR becoming a member to The Nature Conservancy’s which comes with some great benefits. You will receive our Great Places newsletter, important conservation updates, and our beautiful annual calendar. Donate before MArch 31st adn receive 3 tote bags!
Sharing Wisdom: How-to Help Others Grow and Succeed
Do you know any local, sustainable and/or beginner farmers? Share this set of Frequently Asked Questions published by Farm Commons about legal issues, especially those related to organic farm operations with direct contact to consumers.
Sample Questiosn:
- What provisions are most helpful to include in my CSA membership agreement?
- I have a large buyer who wants me to sign a boilerplate agreement. What should I do?
- Do I need insurance for wholesaling?
Farm Commons is a nonprofit helping “sustainable farmers become stable and resilient” in matters of transactional law, including land leasing, sales, employment law, business structures, insurance/liability, and value added ventures. You can access their free legal education resources online, any time! Please share this with your circles to help empower farmers to thrive in their communities and the business world at large!
Join the Organic Consumer’s Association (OCA) for Increased Food Labeling
“In April of 2017, the Real Food Consumer Coalition filed a Citizen Petition with the FDA requesting that the agency discontinue enforcement on interstate transportation of raw milk and allow strong warning labels on milk products instead of hindering consumer access.” – OCA
Though raw milk regulation varies considerably across the country, there are seven states where raw milk is expressly illegal. Yet there are some including farmers, parents, and public health advocates who agree that grass-fed raw milk and dairy products are the healthiest dairy products to eat.
Moreover, the farming methods used to produce grass-fed dairy products are better for the planet, and better for the cows. According to the OCA, regenerative organic practices, which include rotational grazing, restore soil health and biodiversity and help draw down and sequester excess carbon from the atmosphere.
Sign up here for the webinar or tune in to OCA’s Facebook page at 8 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, March 28.
Interested in Regenerative Agriculture? Are you concerned about the impact of our industrialized food system??
Check out this short video (put together by Regeneration Vermont) that summarizes the dilemma facing Vermont’s industrial dairies.
Spring is Soon to Arrive: Start Your at-Home Compost Now!
Graph taken from San Diego Food Waste Solution Summit 2017.
What better reason to start your own compost than to make your own deliciously rich soil for planting a garden bed this season??? Well, I could say, to reduce your waste and help to mitigate climate change! If you’re not convinced or want to introduce these important ideas to others in your life then check out the film, Wasted! The Story of Food Waste, narrated by celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain.
It highlights an incredible issue: nearly half the amount of food produced is wasted… The film highlights both the (physical, intellectual, even emotional) gap between farmers and consumers, and the damaging impact food waste has on the environment.
In a recent article published by Yes! Magazine, Andy Fisher (Big Hunger, author) digs in deeper; concerning “how industrialization of agriculture has rendered food relatively inexpensive, although the 12 percent of the population considered food insecure would likely disagree.”
Stop Roundup From Making it’s Way Onto Your Kitchen Table

NRDC and other advocacy groups have been rallying around the “Chemical Arms Race” which continues as DOW Chemical group and Monsanto persist in their efforts to further industrialize and grow food production. We can SAY NO to farming methods that are dependent on chemicals; you can try to grow your own food this spring, or participate in a local pea-patch, or support a nearby farmer (who doesn’t buy and use herbicides!), or simply BUY ORGANIC. Any little bit helps!
Glyphosate is toxic to humans, bees, monarchs and other pollinators, and it’s putting our food system in jeopardy, so PLEASE tell the EPA:
- Protect our pollinators!
- Protect our lands!
- Protects our water!
Don’t let Big Ag crush our democracy–the EPA just opened a public comment period on its glyphosate risk assessment, and Friends of the Earth is DEMANDING they revoke Monsanto’s license for this toxic chemical – Friends of the EARTH wants to hear from you! Take the one-question survey! And please share widely! #signforGood
Last month, the wheat growers’ association, Monsanto and other U.S. farm groups sued California to stop it from requiring cancer warnings on products containing glyphosate.
Help rural residents control the quality of life in their communities; there are currently two factory farm bills before Congress, both of which would limit rural residents’ ability to deal with problems caused by factory farms.
Please contact your Senator and Representative TODAY! There are two steps and it is critical that you contact both your Senators and your Representative and ask them to Say NO to both of these bills.
You can find your House Member here and your Senator here. Once you know who your members of congress are you can call the Capitol Switch Board at (202) 224-3121 and ask to speak to their office.
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