Stop Pipeline Company Mega-Merger; Glyphosate Needs to be Banned; Say NO to GMOs 2.0; Stop the Nuclear Bailout in NYC

Stop Pipeline Company Mega-Merger

pipes-753700_1280Since ‘lower oil and natural gas prices have diminished the demand for shipments and building new projects becomes increasingly difficult because of local opposition’, there has been a recent trend of consolidation among pipeline companies to bulk up and diversify offerings for stakeholders. Two pipeline companies, Enbridge and Spectra Energy, agreed on Tuesday to merge in a deal that could create the largest energy-infrastructure company in North America. The pipeline industry’s stock prices have been recovering, but the combination of these companies gives them a tremendous economic (and political) advantage, which could threaten the public’s ability to fight back. Sign the petition here to curb corporate control of the energy market and help protect future generations from further fracking and pipeline construction!

Glyphosate Needs to be Bannedprotest-827936_1280

This past weekend was the Monsanto’s Tribunal where toxicologists and legal advisors confirmed the adverse and harmful effects of glyphosate on people in countries all over the world. Sign the petition here to ban glyphosate-based herbicides which are responsible for a number of serious health-related risks, including birth defects and infertility!

Say NO to GMOs 2.0

modified-1744952_1280You may have heard from me already about the non-browning apples and potatoes which have been genetically engineered for improved aesthetics, but the risks associated with these foods that have been genetically modified and/or engineered are still looming and we need to take action now! A recent statement by the senior scientist, Michael Hansen, at the Consumer’s Union, tells us that their is insufficient data regarding the long-term safety of consuming these foods, while also reinforcing widespread belief  that the current regulatory methods of the FDA do not carefully consider the extensive impact GMO’s, which might be detrimental to public health and our agricultural system. Sign the petition here to tell the National Organic Standards Board that we want our food labeled clearly and more precisely! Support the #consumersrighttoknow by spreading awareness and sharing with your circles, and in the meantime, buy Organic!!!

Stop the Nuclear Bailout in NYC

Governor Andrew Cuomo has aimed high in establishing a “Clean Energy Standard” by 2030, pushing for 50 percent of the state’s electricity to come from renewable energy. In addition to solar and wind, which are well underway (with New York State tax breaks for solar and the completion of the Rhode Island off-shore wind farm), this plan still includes nuclear power as ‘clean’ even though many energy and environmental experts will tell you that “the zero-emissions attributes ignores the emissions generated from milling, enriching, transporting and storing nuclear fuel“.philippsburg-848865_1280

In conjunction with Cuomo’s plan which was announced last August, the New York State Public Service Commission, appointed by Cuomo, approved a $7.6 billion bailout of three major nuclear power plants upstate. Sign the petition here and help rally to keep your tax-payer dollars from bailing out an aging industry with loop-holes and hidden costs!