Posts tagged: #safe and accurate food labeling act

iEat Green Encourages Consumers to Demand Transparency in Their Food; Interviews Michel Nischan, Founder, CEO and President of Wholesome Wave

Image for iEat Green Encourages Consumers to Demand Transparency in Their Food; Interviews Michel Nischan, Founder, CEO and President of Wholesome Wave

Hi Everyone, With food manufacturers knowing that consumers are becoming more aware of the foods they eat and choices they make, their marketing strategies are becoming trickier than ever. I just read an article in the NY Times about Perdue … Read More

Take Action: Protect the Whistleblowers Who Expose Abuse in Factory Farms; Stop the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act; Prohibit the Fishing of the Blue Shark

Image for Take Action: Protect the Whistleblowers Who Expose Abuse in Factory Farms; Stop the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act; Prohibit the Fishing of the Blue Shark

Protect the Whistleblowers Who Expose Abuse in Factory Farms Slowly but surely, state legislatures have been passing laws making it illegal for people to expose the truth about the cruel and unnecessary treatment of animals in factory farms. This means … Read More