Posts tagged: #smithfield

Take Action: NY Lawmakers: Repay the Debt to New York’s Environment, Don?t Let Tyson Write the U.S. Dietary Regulations, Tell the EPA: Stop Letting Dow Chemical Poison our Children with Chlorpyrifos!

Image for Take Action: NY Lawmakers: Repay the Debt to New York’s Environment, Don?t Let Tyson Write the U.S. Dietary Regulations, Tell the EPA: Stop Letting Dow Chemical Poison our Children with Chlorpyrifos!

NY Lawmakers: Repay the Debt to New York’s Environment For the first time in quite some time, New York’s fiscal future is looking brighter. The good news: Lawmakers are sparing over how to spend an apparent surplus. The bad news: … Read More

Take Action: Stop Approval of Genetically Engineered Potatoes, Stop the Chinese Buyout of Smithfield Pork, Ensure that Palm Oil Production is Free of Deforestation

Image for Take Action: Stop Approval of Genetically Engineered Potatoes, Stop the Chinese Buyout of Smithfield Pork, Ensure that Palm Oil Production is Free of Deforestation

Are GE Potatoes Coming to a Store Near You? Meet the genetically engineered (GE) potato: it’s virtually indistinguishable from normal potatoes, except that it bruises less easily… and that its long-term health effects are completely unknown. ?J.R. Simplot, the biotech … Read More