Take Action: Fracking in the Delaware Basin, Agent Orange Soy, Locavore Challenge

Tell President Obama and Governors Christie, Corbett, Cuomo and Markell: Don’t Frack the Delaware!

If fracking starts in the Delaware basin, it will directly impact New York and Pennsylvania communities, turning pristine areas into industrial zones. New Jersey and Delaware will suffer impacts related to the depletion of fresh water, and potential contamination of the river. Everyone in the region will witness more pipeline installments and additional truck traffic, increasing the likelihood of accidents and spills.

Fracking has left communities in Pennsylvania and around in the country in ruin. It is a boom-and-bust industry with no real long-term gains. Fracking poses an unacceptable risk to the Delaware River Basin and the communities that depend on its resources. It removes clean water from the watershed and introduces toxic chemicals and radioactive elements in the wastewater, with nowhere to dispose of it. Send a message to the governors and president telling them to protect public health and the environment and to ban fracking in the Delaware River Basin!

Tell the USDA TO Keep Agent Orange Soy Off Your Plate!

Dow Chemical’s Agent Orange 2,4-D Soy is coming to a plate near you. Tell Secretary Vilsack to stop it! Considering the serious human health concerns, the threat to the environment and family farmers themselves, Secretary Vilsack and the USDA should act quickly to reject the approval of Dow Chemical 2,4-D soy, a GMO crop designed to survive repeated spraying of the toxic herbicide 2,4-D, a major component of Agent Orange.

Numerous studies have linked exposure to 2,4-D soy to serious health problems that include cancer, lowered sperm counts, liver disease, Parkinson’s disease and birth anomalies in the children of pesticide applicators. Dow’s proposal fails to serve the public interest, and it will lead to an ever-increasing reliance on deadlier and more toxic chemicals to grow our food. Sign the petition telling the USDA to reject Dow’s Agent Orange Soy.

2012 NY Locavore Challenge

Join a collective movement of farmers, gardeners and consumers who are demanding change in our food system. This September, NOFA-NY will host its 3rd Annual NY Locavore Challenge. The NY Locavore Challenge is a first of its kind, month-long campaign aimed at engaging consumers across the state in actively supporting the local organic food movement. The 3rd Annual NY Locavore Challenge’s theme is 30 Challenges in 30 days. Each day during the month of September, NOFA-NY and its partners will highlight a fun food based challenge that participants can complete in their own home or communities. Learn more and sign up to participate at the NOFA-NY website.