Boycott Honest Tea!
Like many of our favorite organic and natural food companies, Honest Tea is partially owned by a larger corporation. President Seth Goldman of Honest Tea, sold his company to Coca- Cola for millions of dollars. Like so many corporations, Coca-Cola bought Honest Tea for one reason: to profit from the growing demand for organic beverages. The Honest Tea brand brought in $72 million in sales for Coke in 2011. Goldman himself is probably worth millions, between his sale of Honest Tea to Coca-Cola and his ongoing role as president. In November 2012, Coca-Cola donated $1.7 million to defeat Prop 37. Why? Profits. Coca-Cola doesn’t want to have tell consumers that the high fructose corn syrup in Coke is made from genetically modified corn. As a certified organic product, Honest Tea is GMO-free. As president of Honest Tea, Goldman has a lot of clout – and a lot of money at his fingertips. As consumers, we have the power to boycott brands owned by companies that are spending big money to fight honest labeling laws. Don’t let your money go to a company that supports the prevention of GMO labeling. We have a right to know what is in our food! Boycott Honest Tea and send a letter to Seth Goldman letting him know that you are doing so.
Tell the EPA: Keep Methyl Bromide Out of Our Strawberry Fields!
Urge Trader Joe’s to Sell Only Meat Raised Without Antibiotics
80% of all antibiotics sold in the U.S. are used not by humans, but by the meat and poultry industries. Factory farm animals are feed antibiotics so that they grow unaturally fatter faster while simultaneously enabling them to survive the crowded and unsanitary conditions they are raised in. The facilities and feedlots where these cows, chickens, and pigs live are teeming with antibiotic-resistant bacteria that make their way into the air, the water, soil, your food, and you. Unfortunately, the Food and Drug Administration has done little to protect us, so now it’s time for consumers to act. Help urge Trader Joe’s to lead the way in getting antibiotics out of our food chain by selling only meat raised without antibiotics!
One Response to Take Action: Boycott Honest Tea, Toxic Strawberries, Say No to Antibiotics at Trader Joe’s