Take Action: Burt’s Bees: Stop Consorting with the Bee Killers; Tell Obama to ‘Keep It In The Ground’; Malaysia Airlines: Stop Carriage of Shark Fin

Burt’s Bees: Stop Consorting with the Bee Killers

burts bees hand salveBurt’s Bees was once a small company with great morals on wanting the world to be a better place. Unfortunately, like many small, altruistic companies, it has been sold and passed around by large corporations, and it’s mission has changed. The current owner is the Clorox Company. Now, Burt’s Bees has signed on to the Pollinator Partnership, an organization that on the surface appears very concerned about the plight of honeybees, but in reality, it’s a PR campaign, paid for by Bayer’s Crop Science, who’s primary purpose it is to shift the blame for Colony Collapse Disorder away from neonicotinoid pesticides. In addition to Bayer, other members of the Pollinator Partnership are Monsanto and Syngenta. We need to get Burt’s Bees back on it’s original plan of helping the planet, tell them to get away from the Pollinator Partnership.

Tell Obama to ‘Keep It In The Ground’Fossilfuels

Once again, I am disappointed with President Obama’s energy policy. I was under the impression that his clean energy plan was to move away from fossil fuels. Unfortunately, that is not the case. President Obama is leasing public land to oil companies for their extraction of oil. Under his “All of the Above” energy policy, President Obama has leased nearly 15 million acres of public land and 21 million acres of ocean to the fossil fuel industry. In total, more than 67 million U.S. acres—an area 55 times larger than Grand Canyon National Park—are now leased to the fossil fuel industry. This does not sound like a good plan for the environment, or for the future of our children. Tell Obama to end this before it starts, and sign the petition.

Malaysia Airlines: Stop Carriage of Shark Fin

ROTMAN_N13VZweb_1Malaysia is a major importer of shark fins for the luxury shark fin soup trade. This trade is unsustainable and is leading to the destruction of shark populations globally. We call on Malaysia Airlines, to join 26 airlines, including Singapore Airlines and Air Asia, in making a statement for ocean sustainability and saying no to transporting shark fins on all aircrafts. Sharks are threatened worldwide, largely driven by the shark fin trade. As many as 100,000,000 sharks are being killed each year. Airlines play a major role in allowing import and export of illegal, unregulated, and unreported seafood products like shark fins. Twenty-six other major air carriers have said they will not ship shark fins. Help save the world’s and Malaysia’s sharks by stopping this unsustainable trade.