Take Action: Climate Week is Coming Up, and We Need Everyone On Board!! Stop the Gibbstown Fracked Gas Export Terminal!

Just because we are all consumed with the Covid 19 pandemic, doesn’t mean we can turn our attention away from the wildfires in California and Colorado,  record heat levels across the country, rising sea levels, and powerful hurricanes, which are all connected to the most existential crisis we are facing, and that is Climate Change. And as we have seen with the pandemic, the communities most impacted by climate change are communities of color. We need everyone to join the movement to hold our government, and corporate polluters accountable.




Stop the Gibbstown Fracked Gas Export Terminal

Here we go again! It seems like there is a new fracked gas project looking to expand every week. Can’t we just put an end to it all? We know fracking is not good for our health or the environment, and that is why it is banned in New York State, so why do we need to keep reminding the Governor that we don’t want the liquefied gas to be transported anywhere near New York?

Plans are moving forward in New Jersey for a massive new fracked gas project that will threaten our climate, environment, and public health. New Fortress Energy and Delaware River Partners want to expand the deepwater port terminal in Gibbstown, Gloucester County, NJ, across from Chester, PA, to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) overseas for sale.
Every day, trucks or trains would carry this hazardous LNG over 200 miles through populated areas to Gibbstown. Huge shipping vessels would transport it down the river, through the Delaware Bay and to ports proposed by New Fortress in Ireland, Puerto Rico, and beyond.

This project would be a disaster for communities in Pennsylvania and South Jersey. Every day, 1,650 truck trips or up to 100 rail cars would be coming into Gibbstown, worsening air pollution in a region that already doesn’t meet EPA standards for ozone. LNG will be loaded onto ships continuously, 24/7, 365 days a year, putting communities at risk from explosions. And endangered species, such as Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, and rare, vulnerable habitats are threatened by the terminal wharf and dredging.

The entire New Fortress scheme is an untested, convoluted project that will only serve special private interests. It will generate destructive pollution every step of the way and increase methane emissions that will worsen our national and global climate crisis.


Click here to send a message to Governor Cuomo and other members of the commission to stop this dangerous project.


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