Take Action: Demand Cash Refunds, Not Vouchers, for Cancelled Flights Due to Covid-19! Protect Bees and Children from Stupid EPA decisions!

The airlines have been offering vouchers that need to used within the year instead of refunds, for air travel cancelled due to the Coronavirus. For most people, that is not an acceptable solutions, since we have no idea when it will be safe to travel again, and many of us are no longer in the financial situation to be able to afford a vacation.

A Senate bill was just introduced requiring airlines to give cash refunds for all flights cancelled during the pandemic.

This is HUGE STEP FORWARD in helping people get their money back during this financial crisis, and shows the power consumers can have when we speak out together.

Make sure your Senators and Representative know that consumers deserve to be treated fairly during this financial crisis. Send a quick email message right now: Airlines should offer refunds, not vouchers, for flights cancelled during the pandemic!



Bee populations have been in danger for years, and we have been fighting to get the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban toxic pesticides that have been linked to their decline.


The EPA recently announced plans to make it easier to spray a class of toxic bee-killing pesticides called pyrethroids. These pyrethroid pesticides are linked to the alarming decline of bees. They also contaminate water and harm the species that inhabit those contaminated waterways.

This is just another example of the Trump administrations blatant disregard for our health and that of the environment.  Exposure to pyrethroids is also associated with autism, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. They even increased the limit of pyrethroid exposure considered “safe” for children threefold based on pesticide industry-funded studies, while conveniently ignoring clear, independent, peer-reviewed science demonstrating these pesticides pose risks to children’s developing brains.

Please Sign Friends of the Earth Action’s alert urging EPA not to weaken pyrethroid pesticide protections!

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