Take Action: Demand that Our Food System is Added to the Climate Agenda!

According to a new report by the United Nations, agriculture and our food systems account for over one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions! Changing the way we eat, how we grow our food, how much animal protein we consume, and how much food we waste, are big issues that need to be addressed if we want to combat the climate crisis we are in. However, agriculture and our food systems are not on the agenda for the upcoming climate negotiations, COP26, taking place in Glasgow later this year.  

Can you tweet at the government to demand action?


Alok Sharma MP is president of COP26, and responsible for what is on the agenda. Please add your voice and let him know that food issues and their effect on climate change needs to be on the agenda.

Add your voice, tweet at Alok Sharma now

Together we can ensure our food system is good for people and the planet.

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