Take Action: Demand the EPA to Ban Chlorpyrifos, a Toxic Chemical to Humans and Bees! We Need a Secretary of Agriculture That Supports Organic Regenerative Agriculture!

Chlorpyrifos is not only killing our bees, but it is also one of the most toxic chemicals on the market, and it damages the developing brain of children. With the newly elected administration, we have the chance to reinstate the ban that the Trump administration did away with. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) admits there is no safe level of exposure, but they continue to allow it to be sprayed on a wide variety of crops, including soybeans, almonds, and grapes. It is already banned in the European Union, and we should do the same!

Tell the EPA: Our future generations are more important than chemical industry profits!


We Need a Secretary of Agriculture That Supports Organic Regenerative Agriculture!

One of the first things the Obama Administration did when they entered office, was to appoint Tom Vilsack as the Secretary of Agriculture, a man who was voted  “Governor of the Year” by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, and who supported CAFO’s and genetic engineering. I remember being so disappointed.

We need the Biden/Harris Administration to do better, but it is not looking hopeful. As of now, President-elect Biden’s current top pick for Secretary of Agriculture is Heidi Heitkamp, who has a history of anti-environment votes and support for corporate agribusiness. If we’re ever going to make the transformative changes we need in our food and farming system, we need someone who believes in the organic and regenerative agricultural movement. 

We need to raise our voices NOW and quickly, before he picks the wrong person for the job. Please sign the below petition and let your voice be heard!

Reject Heidi Heitkamp for the Next Secretary of Agriculture https://advocacy.organicconsumers.org/page/23107/petition/1

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