Take Action: End Pipeline Construction; Tell the EPA to Get Rid Of Glyphosate; Demand that Climate Change and Food Security Become Topics for the Next Presidential Debate!

Deter Further Construction for Crude Oil Pipelines

crude-oil-863210_1280The Standing Rock Sioux have inspired Americans across the country to stand against the fracking oil pipeline in Dakota, either by means of donation, physical presence, or by spreading the word. The protest has swept through many communities and exemplified the importance of standing together in solidarity against injustice. The incredible movement of native youth is highly motivating and hopefully, will encourage us all to consider more closely what is happening locally as well.

Since the Paris agreement in 2015 and multiple bipartisan agreements to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy, many environmentalists and social justice activists are questioning our government and state regulators as to why pipeline projects are still ongoing. And specifically, why is the processing of a project like the Dakota Access pipeline not so transparent to the public? It seems that, if the fracking and transporting of a raw material like crude oil has tremendous risks, then the people potentially impacted by those risks should be the first to have a response. Especially, since we as a larger community will be facing issues of clean water, food, and environmental degradation that happen as a direct result of oil and gas companies dangerously polluting mother Earth.

If you haven’t already started and would like to be engaged in this important issue, please visit the NRDC, Sierra Club (Addup), and Change.org websites for the most convenient and easiest way to take action now. Sign the petitions which urge the government to halt pipeline construction, repeal permits, and conduct an in-depth environmental review that is transparent to the public.

The Action Network is a great online forum for activists and advocates looking for important issues which aim to change our systems for a more clean,  fair, and flourishing future. Let’s continue to connect with people that are working to move our country forward in the right direction!

monsanto-152587__180Tell the EPA to Get Rid Of Glyphosate

It is hard to believe that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), an agency designed to protect the environment and public from harmful toxins, doesn’t do their own research! They are allowed to use biotech industry research (paid for by Monsanto) as legitimate research to determine the safety of products that the biotech manufacture produces. How ridiculous is that! Scientific research has linked glyphosate (Roundup) to cancer in humans, and to the decline of the Monarch butterfly and Honey Bees. In fact, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2015, declared glyphosate to be a probable human carcinogen. We need these pollinators, who are responsible for 35% of our food supply. Please sign the petition to the EPA, demanding that they outlaw Glyphosate in the USA. By the way, use the image provided here on my blog either on your social media profile or simply spread the word!

Demand that Climate Change and Food Security Become Topics for the Next Presidential Debate!politics-1327276_1280

If you watched Monday night’s presidential (the first of three) then you may have been disappointed to hear that no questions were asked of the presidential candidates which concerned climate change or our broken food system.

Please sign this petition, which was put together by the Sierra Club, adding your name to the list of people who want more media coverage from the two representatives regarding these pressing issues of the environment! Another issue which went unmentioned in large part was food security and public health issues surrounding the farm industry and their respective heart-related illnesses!!!