Take Action: Endorse Two Critically Important Summer Nutrition Bills; The Decades of Deception Must Stop; Tell Bayer: Stop Selling Bee-Killing Pesticides

Endorse Two Critically Important Summer Nutrition Bills

imagesOne million low income kids and teens across New York State rely on healthy school meals each school day, but only one in three kids and teens statewide access summer nutrition programs. In many upstate areas, fewer than one in five children have access to summer meals. There are 2 Bills that need your support to help these kids have access to summer meals. The Summer Meals Act of 2015 (pdf) and the Stop Child Summer Hunger Act of 2015 (pdf) were recently introduced in Congress, but they will not pass without your direct engagement!

There are many organizations in New York that support strengthening child nutrition programs. Your voice is needed now before Congress leaves for their summer recess.

The Decades of Deception Must Stop

Leaked documents show that many of the largest oil, gas, and coal corporations are behind efforts to distort the science of climate change and block action to reduce heat-trapping emissions. In addition, recent research shows that more than 13 percent of all industrial carbon pollution has been produced by just six fossil fuel corporations. Read the full Climate Dossiers here. It’s time that these polluter giants take responsibility for their actions and pay for the damage they have done to the environment.

Take action and click on the link to sign the petitions to tell these companies they need to be held accountable.

Tell Bayer: Stop Selling Bee-Killing Pesticides

As a leading manufacturer of neonicotinoids – a pesticide known for killing bees, earthworms and birds – Bayer has contributed to countless bee deaths around the world, putting our very food supply at risk. We need bees to pollinate 2/3 of the food crops we eat every day — healthy fruits and vegetables matter far more than Bayer’s extra profits! So now we need to show Bayer’s CEO that his toxic chemicals are killing our bees and destroying our environment. Sign the petition today, and tell Bayer to stop manufacturing these harmful pesticides.