Take Action: Get Carrageenan Out of Organic Food, Help 350.org ‘Do the Math’ on Global Warming, Sign the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance

Tell the National Organic Program: Get Gut-Wrenching Carrageenan Out of Organic!

Carrageenan, an additive commonly used in foods, including some organic foods, is linked to gastrointestinal inflammation and higher rates of colon cancer.? The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) now has an opportunity to end the use of carrageenan in certified organic foods. Instead, the NOP is recommending that carrageenan be allowed in organic for another five years.? Carrageenan is an emulsifier used to keep liquids from separating in organic juice, yogurt, chocolate? milk and other dairy products, non-dairy alternatives ? and even infant formula! According to the Cornucopia Institute’s 2013 report, “Carrageenan: How a ?Natural? Food Additive Is Making Us Sick,” research links carrageenan to gastrointestinal inflammation, including higher rates of colon cancer, in laboratory animals. Please sign the petition below, by June 3, 2013. Tell the National Organic Program that it?s time to get carrageenan out of organics!

Help 350.org ‘Do the Math? on Global Warming

350.org, a grassroots global movement working to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis are organizing a tour throughout Australia this June. Founder and author Bill McKibben is coming to Australia bringing his ??Global Warming: Do the Maths? Tour to sound the alarm about plans to drastically expand coal mining for export. Bill will hold public talks and meet with media, business and political leaders in four cities to expose the terrifying scale of Australia?s coal mining and export expansion plans — which, if allowed to go ahead, would take the planet beyond the point of no return. Your support will help ensure Bill?s visit has real impact to raise awareness and public opposition to these dangerous coal expansion projects before it?s too late.

Sign the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance

There is still time to convince President Obama to change his mind and reject Keystone XL. But with the president ignoring every possible sign Mother Nature can send, it is once again incumbent upon us to send a message he can’t ignore. Last week, we were horrified to know that we have just surpassed Sign the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance400 ppm of carbon in the atmosphere.? Continuing construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline would only serve to increase this number. Remaining dependent on fossil fuels is not sustainable and not the direction this country should be taking. Please sign the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance and make it known that – should it be necessary to stop Keystone XL — to engage in serious, dignified, peaceful civil disobedience. Please share this pledge with friends and family as well!