Take Action: Harms of Too Much Sugar, Too Much Bad Air, Our Homes Are Toxic

Call on the Surgeon General to Curb Sugar Consumption

sugar508-300x200From diabetes to heart disease, throughout the country there is an unprecedented increase in diet-related chronic illnesses.? Many of these stem from eating too much sugar, most of which hides in food we eat, added unnecessarily to the food products we find on shelves at the store.? It’s time to loosen the food industry’s grip on policy efforts . . . urge the Acting Surgeon General to use his influence to commission an authoritative report on health effects of added sugars in our diet.? Send a letter now.


We Deserve Healthy, Clean Air


The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed safeguards against carbon pollution from our nation’s aging power plants.? Power plants produce one-third of America’s greenhouse gases — more than any other source.? Keep our power plants accountable; do not let them switch from coal to gas.? Urge the EPA to rework the proposed rule to reduce our carbon emissions and help avoid drastic climate change.? Sign the message now.



Get Toxic Chemicals Out of Our Homes


Flame retardant chemicals are so ubiquitous it’s difficult to limit your exposure.? The widespread use of these toxic and cancer-causing chemicals in children’s products and upholstered furniture puts the health of our families and our environments at risk.? We need the government to take the most fire retardant chemicals off the market.? Support Senator Schumer’s bill which would ban 10 toxic flame retardant chemicals from being used in children’s products and upholstered home furniture.? Do not continue to unknowingly expose yourselves and your families to toxic chemicals in everyday home goods.? Sign now to support the Children and Firefighter Protection Act.