Phthalates are used in many consumer goods, including plastic food and beverage containers, plastic wrap, perfume, nailpolish and toys. In personal care and household products, they can hide in ingredients lists under the term “fragrance.” They are added to plastics to make them flexible, and they help fragrances linger on skin. Phthalates are also used in medical devices and vinyl flooring.
For decades, scientists have warned that phthalates could have a negative effect on our hormones, and specifically the male reproductive system. However, new research reveals that exposure to these widely used chemicals can also harm brain development, increasing the risk for learning and behavioral issues in children.
Phthalates are so common that experts believe nearly every person has been exposed to chemicals that could lead to neurological and behavioral damage, including conditions typically linked to ADHD and impaired cognitive development.
The Environmental Working Group has some in the products you buy, while we wait for the EPA to put a ban on them!
In the meantime, please sign this petition to let your voice be heard, and print this “take along guide” to help you make the best choices!
Glyphosate, the active ingredient found in Bayer-Monsanto’s weedkiller, Roundup, is killing our monarch butterflies and bees, not to mention the impact it has on human health! We need to rid our planet of this toxic chemical and hold Bayer-Monsanto accountable for the devastation it is causing. The monarch butterfly population in North America has declined by 80% in the past 20 years, and our bee population continues to be on a steady decline, and it all coincides the the increased use of Glyphosate.
Please sign the Environmental Working Groups petition to get Glyphosate out of our food, and Friends of the Earth’s petition to get Home Depot and Lowes to stop selling the pesticide, Round-up, and let your voice be heard!
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