Help Us Change Our Country’s Trajectory!
There is no doubt we are in challenging times, and it is going to take everyone working together from all sides, to help us unify our common goal of peace, racial, gender and social equity, fair housing, access to healthy food, and climate change. We need to stay informed on the real facts, get into the streets and protest, write letters to our congressman/women, sign petitions, get out the vote, and help people get to the polls.
In addition to being an activist outwardly, I am working to cultivate my activism inwardly, by joining together with others in circles of love and compassion. By coming together in this way, we can address the current crisis of division, racism, hatred and separation, and help to shift the energy towards a more peaceful, compassionate resolution. Together with some friends, we read the “World Peace Prayer” (see below,) and then sat in meditation for 20 minutes. It felt very powerful, even through zoom, to focus on changing people’s attitudes towards a more peaceful future. I believe we can help to move the needle towards a commonality that we can all live with. Try forming a group of your own and spreading the love!
Below is the prayer for World Peace.
To the unfailing sources of refuge, the Three Jewels and Three Roots,
and especially Chenrezig, the protector of the Land of Snows,
to Noble Tara and Guru Padmasambhava, I pray:
Please remember your sacred pledge of former times!
Please grant blessings that this aspiration be entirely fulfilled!
In this dark age of decline, the thoughts and actions of beings are corrupted,
and the balance of the outer and inner elements is lost.
Through these causes and conditions, humans and animals alike
are seized by epidemics and diseases unknown in the past.
They are struck by planetary demons, nāgas, evil spirits, dark forces, and elemental spirits
Crops are damaged by blight, frost, and hail, and there is fighting and dispute.
Untimely rains, heat waves, and droughts in the world
fear of earthquakes, fire, adversaries, and natural catastrophes;
and in particular, evil hordes that hurt the teachings, and so forth,
cause harm and violence throughout the world.
May these be swiftly pacified and vanquished from their very roots!
In the minds of all beings, human and non-human,
may precious and supreme bodhicitta arise naturally.
And, free of harmful thoughts and actions, may the minds of all be filled with love for one another!
May the entire world enjoy abundant happiness and wealth!
May the Buddha’s teachings spread far and endure long!
By the truthful power of the Three Roots, the buddhas, and bodhisattvas
, by whatever virtuous roots there are in samsara and nirvana,
and by the power of our highest pure intention,
may this aspiration be fulfilled!
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