Take Action: Help Us Keep the Improvements to School Lunch! Contact Your Senators and DEMAND Answers!

Trump is at it again! It seems he wants to undo anything that Obama did, regardless if it improves the health of our children. Under the administration’s new regulations, school meals will contain more salt and fewer whole grains. Last month, The Center for Science in the Public Interest sued the Trump administration to block these unlawful rollbacks. Will you join me in asking Congress to undo the damage done by the Trump administration?

And while they’re at it, Congress could continue to improve school food by limiting added sugar in school breakfast and snacks, and bringing in more fresh vegetables. How do they expect us to get kids to eat vegetables when they are only offering canned veggies?

The Potential Dangers of 5G are Real, and we have a right to know! Write to your Senators and ask them to take action!

If you Live in NY, Contact Senator Gillibrand & Senator Schumer, if you live in another state, find your Senator here: Below is a letter you can copy and paste!

Dear Senator Gillibrand & Senator Schumer,I am reaching out to share my concerns related to the issue of 5G and “small cells” being placed next to our homes as part of the 5G network. I do not consent to involuntary RF microwave radiation inside and outside of my home.  I am being told that local government’s hands are tied and that only federal legislators can help. 

I urge you to please write a letter to the FCC requesting the studies that prove long-term exposure to radiation from “small cells” & 5G will not cause cancer.  With these antennas being placed right outside homes, the American people deserve to see the studies!  Congressman Suozzi has written a letter to the FCC, in addition to Senator Blumenthal, Congresswoman Eschoo, and Congressman DeFazio.  Please stand up for your constituents, we need you to help us keep our children safe.  We need a moratorium on “small cells” until we have proof that our families will not be harmed in the long-term.


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