Take Action: It’s time to can BPA; No More Monsanto Money; Tell the EPA to Ban Atrazine; Tell the EPA to Get Phthalates out of our Food

It’s Time to Can BPA

Bisephenol A (BPA) is an organic synthetic compound and chemical—a colorless solid—that has been employed commercially since 1957 to make clear, tough plastics and epoxy resins. It is made profusely into a variety of consumer goods, such as bottles, paper, food packaging and is even found in the lining of our water pipes, which is why in 2011, an estimated 10 billion pounds of BPA was produced for polycarbonate plastics, making it the highest volume of chemicals produced worldwide!!! In more recent years, public concern has increased and experts are looking for alternatives to BPA-based products due to repeated reports of the negative impact that this endocrine-disrupting chemical has on hormonal systemcorn-544720_960_720s, reproductive health, as well as effecting a wide range of diseases including obesity, diabetes and cancer. Countries like China, Malaysia, Canada and the whole of the European Union did ban its use in baby bottles, stating that this estrogen-mimicking drug has harmful health effects and especially for children. Eleven out of the fifty United States have banned its use in some children’s products, but many of us would like to see it removed from all food and drink products because of the associated serious health risks. As consumers, it is in our best interest to voice our concern and tell large food and drink retailers like Albertson’s to stop selling canned and other packaged foods lined with toxic BPA in their stores. Sign the petition today!

No More Monsanto Money!

monsanto-152587__180It’s no secret that Monsanto’s influence and money has kept GMO labeling laws from passing through legislation. Although polls show consistently that 90% of Americans support mandatory labeling of GMO foods, the biotech and junk food industries have spent about $400 milllion to defeat state initiatives, and arguably, buy the votes they needed in Congress in order to preempt Vermont’s GMO labeling law. As individual consumers, it is our right and duty to express what it is that we want, and the strength of our voice is when we stand together! Sign the petition today and tell Congress, no more Monsanto Money!

Tell the EPA: Ban Atrazine!

Did you know that more than 60 million pounds of Atrazine, a dangerous endocrine disrupting pesticide are sprayed on American Crops every year? Sign this petition now to tell the EPA to ban Atrazine. We cannot allow companies to take shortcuts that negatively impact our health, or the earths.

Tell the FDA: Get Phthalates out of our Food!

Tell the FDA to get Phthalates out of our food! Phthalates, a tough enough word to pronounce, are even more difficult to stomach; this plasticizing toxic chemical is linked to genital defects in boys, asthma and learning disabilities. The worst part, the FDA has it classified as a “food additive” and you can currently find it in packaging, care products and food.