Take Action: Join Cornucopia’s Campaign to Get Carrageenan Out of Organic Foods! Ask Governor Hochul to Sign the Bill to Make Our Drinking Water Safer!

Carrageenan is a food additive. Yes, it is true that it comes from red seaweed, so one would think of it as a natural product, yet it is a highly processed synthetic ingredient that is known to cause inflammatory responses in many individuals, especially those with colitis or IBD.  Yet carrageenan is still found in many foods, including some certified organic foods.

The National Organic Standards Board recently voted to keep carrageenan on the list of substances allowed in organic food for another five years, in spite of the many grassroots organizations petitioning them to not allow it. Now we all need to get involved!

It’s in the hands of organic eaters like you and me to change the marketplace. 

What can you do?
  • Cornucopia needs your help to pressure companies to remove this harmful ingredient from their products. The nonprofit’s Guide to Avoiding Carrageenan in Organic Food shares contact information for companies that still use carrageenan. Cornucopia encourages you to use your voice. Urge these companies to reformulate their products to remove carrageenan.
  • Costco sells more organic food than any other retailer in the country. What happens at Costco can influence widespread change throughout the industry to preserve the organic marketplace as a true alternative. Help Cornucopia help us! Together, we can motivate this major organic influencer to do better! Take action.
  • Learn more about carrageenan, and sign up for Cornucopia’s newsletter for updates.


Sign Proxy and Tell Costco: We will not tolerate carrageenan in organic products!
Guide to Avoiding Carrageenan in Organic Food
Video: How to use the guide to avoid carrageenan
Fill out this questionnaire if your health improved after eliminating carrageenan from your diet


Ask Governor Hochul to Sign the Bill to Make Our Drinking Water Safer!

It’s hard to believe, but more than 2 million New Yorkers across the state don’t know if their drinking water is safe from contaminants like PFAS or 1,4-dioxane. That’s because the New York State Department of Health has delayed (for four years and counting) mandating that water utilities test for toxic chemicals. This is completely unacceptable! Riverkeeper, a wonderful non-profit organization protecting the Hudson River and our drinking water, needs our help to convince Governor Hochul to sign this important bill, to kickstart adequate testing for toxins.
This legislation will require every water utility in the state to test for a priority list of chemicals that could make you and your family sick.
As The Daily Gazette wrote in an editorial: “No more excuses. No more delays. We know the governor is busy. But it wouldn’t take long to sign her name to a bill that could help reduce the threat of dangerous chemicals in our drinking supplies.”
Knowing what’s in your water is your right. Urge Governor Hochul to take this step to ensure safe drinking water. Please send a message if you agree.


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