Take Action: Keep Unlabeled GMO Salmon Out of Our Food System! It’s Time to March Again for Science!

Take action now: Tell your Senators to keep unlabled GMO salmon out of our food system!

GMO salmon has no place on our plates. It raises environmental and health concerns, and it could potentially cause irreversible damage to wild salmon populations. We clearly can’t rely on the Trump administration to protect us from these foods. That means it’s more important than ever that Congress step in and pushes for clear labels on GMOs, starting with the GMO salmon!


Global Warming is not just coming, it is here! We need our government to respond to the out cry of the people!! And we need to make our out cry loud and huge!

Please join March for Science on May 4th at noon in Foley Square, NYC for their annual flagship march, hosted by the March for Science NYC team. If a march doesn’t exist near you, you can organize one! Please sign up here, read these tips, and get in touch (contact@marchforscience.com) if you need any help.