Take Action: Make School Lunch Available to All Students! Help Put an End to Cow Flipping! Support the New York Health Act!

School Lunch Shaming has got to go!

Unfortunately, school meals are the primary source of nutrition for so many children in this country. That’s why it is so important that they be healthy, delicious, environmentally friendly, and affordable to every student. 

We all heard about the shaming that was going on when a child had a school lunch debt that their parent couldn’t pay. But I was surprised to hear it is still happening today. No child should be refused food, or embarrassed because of a situation that they can not control.

Rep. Ilhan Omar and Sen. Tina Smith have introduced a bill that would help ensure every child is treated with dignity at school lunch. We need to make our voices heard and put a stop to this mean, archaic practice.

Sign your name: Tell your legislators to support the No Shame at School Act!


What is Cow Flipping?

Not all organic dairy is created equal! Cow flipping is what big industrial organic dairy producers are doing. They are taking advantage of a loophole in the Origin of Livestock Rule by purchasing a calf that was not organic, and introducing it into an organic farm. If we want to keep the integrity in organic, we need to put an end to this loophole. It’s bad for the consumer, and it’s really bad for the true organic dairy farmer who can’t compete with the prices that the industrial producer is charging.

SIGN THE PETITION: Tell the National Organic Program: Don’t let ‘Big Organic’ dairies cheat family farmers and consumers.


Want a Single Payer, Universal Health Care Act in NYS?

I’m sure you do, and so do I! The New York Health Act will provide comprehensive, universal health coverage for every New Yorker and would replace private insurance coverage. It would remove the waste, fraud, and profiteering in the current system, and create a single-payer model that actually offers real health care to everyone across the board! Learn more about it, and let your representatives know how you feel!