Take Action: NY Lawmakers: Repay the Debt to New York’s Environment, Don?t Let Tyson Write the U.S. Dietary Regulations, Tell the EPA: Stop Letting Dow Chemical Poison our Children with Chlorpyrifos!

NY Lawmakers: Repay the Debt to New York’s Environment

piggy_bankFor the first time in quite some time, New York’s fiscal future is looking brighter. The good news: Lawmakers are sparing over how to spend an apparent surplus. The bad news: not enough attention has been focused repaying New York?s ?ecological? deficit that has grown over successive budget cycle cuts.
Will you send a message to NY lawmakers telling them to prioritize repaying that debt to the environment in the 2015-16 Budget?
What?s at stake??The Earth?s climate is growing more erratic as the atmosphere?s CO2 concentration surpasses 400 ppm. We are rapidly losing wetlands, biodiversity, and agricultural lands to poorly planned development. New York?s water quality is degrading as water consumption increases and the complexity of man-made chemicals in our environment continues to surpass our ability to comprehend the negative repercussions.

Don?t Let Tyson and the other Meat Giants Write the U.S. Dietary Regulations!

The people who advise the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on what to tell Americans to eatboycott-ff-250 have issued their latest round of new recommendations. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) is recommending that we eat less processed meat, which is great! They agree with us that eating factory farmed meat is bad for your health. But the 4 major meat suppliers in the US -?Tyson Foods, JBS, Cargill and Smithfield – don’t want these new recommendations to come about because it will be detrimental to their sales.

Historically, USDA policies, including the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, have been heavily?and in some instances, exclusively?influenced by corporations. You can bet that lobbyists for Tyson and the other Meat Giants are out in full force, doing everything in their power to strong arm the USDA to reject the Dietary Committee?s new recommendations. Don’t let them get away with it, and sign the petition now to let your voice be heard.

Tell the EPA: Stop Letting Dow Chemical Poison our Children with Chlorpyrifos!

gas-mask-fence-farm-420x280A toxic pesticide known to damage children?s brains is up for review by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).? Will the EPA finally ban Dow?s chlorpyrifos? Or will the agency continue to allow Big Ag to poison our children?

Chlorpyrifos, which is marketed by Dow under several trade names, including Dursban and Lorsban, is a type of organophosphate insecticide. Introduced in 1965, it kills insects by interfering with the enzyme cholinesterase, which is essential for the proper working of the nervous systems of both humans and insects. Sign the petition to stop Dow from using this harmful chemical.