Organic Producers: Drop Out of the Anti-GMO Labeling Lawsuit
A few months ago, Vermont passed a historic GMO labeling bill into law, setting the stage for states across the country to follow suit and protect our right to know what’s in our food. But now the law is under attack. Four of the country?s largest organic dairy producers are part of an industry-led lawsuit to overturn Vermont?s landmark law. We must pressure these companies to end their membership in the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and stand with consumers, not anti-GMO labeling corporations. If this lawsuit is successful, it will set a dangerous precedent for GMO labeling laws across the country. Not only will other states with pending legislation see their efforts stalled by more special interest lawsuits, but any chance for a national GMO labeling standard could be in jeopardy. As long as these companies are in the IDFA, they are participating in the effort to strike down Vermont?s GMO labeling act. Click here to sign the petition and tell Stonyfield Farms, Organic Valley, Aurora Organic, and Horizon Organic, to end their role in the attack on GMO labeling.
Bring Clean Energy to Long Island!
Last year, Governor Cuomo promised an upgrade to our electric utility in Long Island. Now, his Department of Public Service is developing a plan to upgrade the Long Island Power Authority — but it fails to make a significant commitment to renewable energy, like our great offshore wind potential. With a proposal for what would be one of America?s first offshore wind farms under consideration this year, and a strong homegrown solar industry, Long Island has the opportunity to be a clean-tech leader. We just need the leadership of Governor Cuomo, and the Department of Public Service, to develop a plan that moves us to a clean energy future. Click here to tell Governor Cuomo and the Department of Public Service that you want more wind and solar in Long Island.
Tell Barack Obama and John Kerry: Reject Enbridge’s Illegal Tar Sands Pipeline Scheme
Last week, the State Department posted documents revealing that it is allowing Canadian pipeline company, Enbridge, to move ahead with a pipeline expansion project that could nearly double the amount of tar sands crude oil pumped into the U.S. through its Alberta Clipper pipeline. The State Department is green-lighting this scheme without giving public notice of its decision, without conducting a detailed environmental review, and without a finding of “national interest,” as required for Keystone XL and other new pipeline projects. ? Enbridge has been trying since 2012 to get a presidential permit to expand the Alberta Clipper from its current permitted capacity of 450,000 barrels per day to 800,000 barrels per day. Thanks in large part to our public pressure, activists have stalled approvals for this tar sands project and others, like the Keystone XL pipeline. In response, Enbridge concocted a dangerous scheme that essentially amounts to smuggling their filthy product across the border. Instead of carrying tar sands across the border on the Clipper pipeline directly, Enbridge is diverting the tar sands flow to an adjacent 47-year-old pipeline, where it will travel 20 miles across the US border into Minnesota, then back to the Clipper pipeline. The quiet State Department approval of Enbridge?s pipeline scheme stands in clear violation of the process required to approve new tar sands infrastructure, and the National Interest Determination test the President set for Keystone XL: If the project significantly increases carbon pollution, it should not be approved. Now is the time to raise our voices against the State Department?s approval of Enbridge’s dangerous and illegal tar sands pipeline expansion scheme. Click here to take action.
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