Take Action: Overturn Citizens United, Obama just killed “American as Apple Pie”, Make Secret Trade Agreements Public

Tell Congress: Overturn Citizens United.

action-180The domination of politics by corporations and the mega-rich is a profound threat to democracy and freedom in the United States, and we have to fight back.

An overwhelming majority of Americans oppose the toxic influence of money in politics, and we have enormous momentum in the fight to overturn Citizens United.

It’s incredibly difficult to pass a constitutional amendment, and it usually takes decades of grassroots organizing and pressure on elected officials to amend the constitution. This fight will be no exception. I hope you’ll add your voice to the millions of other Americans who are speaking out against money in politics.

Don’t Let Congress Kiss Apple Pie Goodbye

say_goodbye_2_apple_pie_2015Last week, the US Department of Agriculture, headed by Secretary Tom Vilsack, announced the approval of the non-browning GMO Arctic Apple.? The GMO “Arctic Apple” relies on a new ?gene silencing? technique that scientists believe could interfere with the expression of genes in humans, potentially causing serious health problems. More immediately, while the scientific risks are being debated, the impact for America?s food supply are significant as this Kiss of Death GMO apple will most certainly contaminate neighboring organic and conventional apple growers? orchards, significantly harming U.S. apple export markets for America?s apple growers.

Despite these serious scientific warnings, the Obama administration has once again rubber-stamped the approval of a new, potentially harmful GMO crop. This approval is an outrage and another sign that Americans absolutely need mandatory GMO labeling to assert their basic right of consumer choice in the marketplace.

Stand with Senator Bernie Sanders:? Make Secret Trade Agreements Public


Trade agreements such as the TPP are being negotiated behind closed doors by the governments of a dozen countries (including ours) in collusion with corporate interests. This secret “trade” deal would eviscerate broad swaths of regulations that protect consumers, workers, the environment and the soundness of our financial system. And it would set up a legal regime where corporate profits trump the policy priorities of sovereign governments.

Under a trade agreement such as the TPP, more American jobs would be offshored. Internet freedom would be a joke. Developing countries would lose access to lifesaving medicines. Unsafe foods and products could pour into our country while we?re powerless to stop them. Gone would be the days when the United States could regulate coal exports. The excesses of our crazy intellectual property laws that privilege corporate control over innovation would be both exacerbated and extended internationally. And, that?s just the tip of the iceberg.

You might think a far-reaching proposal such as the TPP would be subject to intense public debate. But the text of the proposed deal is considered classified by our government and even members of Congress have been given extremely limited access to it.