Take Action: Pass the Low Income Solar Act of 2015; Senator Sanders: Protect Our Right to Know & Stop the DARK Act; Join The Fight Against Obesity

Tell Congress: Pass the Low Income Solar Act of 2015

solar-energy-180The bill would dramatically expand the availability of the financial and environmental benefits of solar power, through loans and grants to low-income families, public housing, and community facilities.

But unfortunately, we don’t have a Congress that passes bills simply because they’re excellent ideas. That’s why we need to get to work whipping support for this bill in Congress right now. Can you sign the petition and help us make this bill a reality? Today, solar energy is more affordable than it’s ever been, and is now the fastest growing source of energy in the U.S. But it’s still out of reach for a large percentage of Americans who can’t afford the cost of installation, can’t qualify for financing, or who are renters and don’t have appropriate rooftop access to install solar panels.

Senator Sanders: Protect Our Right to Know & Stop the DARK Actmaxresdefault

Please take the lead in protecting the right of consumers to know if their food contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by issuing a public statement opposing H.R. 1599, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, and by urging your fellow Senators to oppose a Senate version of this bill. It’s called the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act because the bill legally sanctions corporate deceit by guaranteeing the legal right of food manufacturers to withhold the fact that their products contain GMOs. We must keep strong and tell the government that we deserve to know what’s in our food. Please sign the petition here.

Join The Fight Against Obesity

Kindergarten children eating lunchChildhood obesity threatens the health of our young people and their future potential. Today, more than 23 million children and adolescents in the United States—nearly one in three young people—are either obese or overweight, putting them at higher risk for serious, even life-threatening health problems. If we don’t reverse the epidemic, the current generation of young people could be the first in U.S. history to live sicker and die younger than their parents’ generation.

For real change to happen, we need to change the root causes of childhood obesity. It’s going to take a movement to change schools, to change communities, and to change national policies. Please sign the petition and join the cause.