Take Action: President Obama Stop GMO Salmon; Stand Strong Against Monsanto’s DARK Act; Tell the Securities And Exchange Commission: Investigate ExxonMobil

President Obama Stop GMO Salmon

Atlantic_salmon_Atlantic_fishDespite scientific evidence that GM salmon is detrimental to our health and the environment, and despite the vocal opposition of hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens, it has been approved for sale in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration, WITHOUT a label. This may seem like we are inevitably doomed to have GM salmon show up on our plates, but it’s actually not too late. We can still put pressure on Congress and President Obama to disapprove of GM salmon before it could possibly hit grocery store shelves in 2 years. Costco has already declared they will not be participating in the sale of GM salmon to the public. Please get on board to help us create a huge public outcry to this horrible, new, ruling! Sign the petition now and please do not let this atrocity happen!

Stand Strong Against Monsanto’s DARK ActMonsanto pesticide to be sprayed on food crops.

Right now, as Monsanto and its allies spend millions to lobby Congress to support the DARK Act, not a single Democratic Senator has signed on to co-sponsor the bill. Without Democratic support, the DARK Act will likely fail to pass procedural hurdles to make it to the Senate floor for a vote. This is our opportunity to stop this bill dead in its tracks and protect our right to know what’s in our food. We must pressure Senate Democrats not to support this anti-GMO labeling legislation. Sign the petition now.

Tell the Securities And Exchange Commission: Investigate ExxonMobil

120px-Exxon_logo.svgPressure is rapidly mounting on ExxonMobil. After recent investigations revealed Exxon knew as early as 1978 that fossil fuels were causing climate change, calls are growing for the Department of Justice to investigate the company’s decades-long campaign of denial. This is our chance to get ExxonMobil to be held accountable for their actions. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced last week that he was launching an investigation into whether Exxon broke financial rules by intentionally misleading the public and company shareholders about the risks climate change posed to the oil industry. Sign the petition now.