Take Action: Protect Blair Mountain, Food Companies Against GMO Labeling, Clean Water Act’s 40th Birthday

Protect Blair Mountain 

One of the most important historic landmarks in Appalachia is slated for destruction. We need to save it. Last week, a federal judge threw out an appeal by a coalition of environmental and historic preservation organizations, led by the Sierra Club, that sought to restore the historic designation. Now more than ever, we need this administration to take steps to permanently protect Blair Mountain. Tell President Obama that we need to protect historic Blair Mountain.

Which ‘Natural’ Food Companies are Fighting Against GMO Labeling?

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On November 6th, California voters will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition 37, which would make the labeling of genetically engineered food mandatory. Millions of dollars have been donated in support and opposition of the mandate. You’ll be shocked to see which supposedly ‘natural’ food companies have donated money towards Monsanto’s efforts to defeat Prop 37. Just to name a few, Simply Orange, Odwalla and Honest Tea, which are owned by Coca-Cola, have donated over a million dollars.  If you’d like to see the full list of which food companies have donated money, check out Cornucopia Institute. Make your voice heard by signing the petition to let corporations opposing your right to know what’s in your food, know that if they want your business, they can’t sell-out organic values. And thank the independent organic business’ that have made it clear that they are not hiding what’s in their products by supporting Proposition 37.

The EPA is Going to Allow More Pollution for the Clean Water Act’s 40th birthday!

This October is the 40th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act, which was set in place to make sure that our most essential resource would be protected for future generations. Earlier this month, Food & Water Watch and Friends of the Earth filed a joint lawsuit to force the Environmental Protection Agency to preserve the integrity of the Clean Water Act. Together they are suing for the removal of the water pollution trading provisions that are part of the 2010 plan to clean up the Chesapeake Bay watershed, which would allow for new and increased pollution discharges under a scheme of market-based offsets and pollution trading. The Clean Water Act is built upon the fundamental concept that pollution is illegal and industries don’t have a right to poison our shared waterways. Don’t let the EPA outsource pollution regulation to Wall Street. Take action to protect the Clean Water Act today!