Take Action: Push to Reduce Methane in the Atmosphere! Tell Biden to Scrap Offshore Drilling Plans!

Push the EPA to Create Stronger Regulation to Reduce Methane in the Atmosphere!

Methane is the second largest contributor to the climate crisis after carbon dioxide. Methane traps 86 times more heat than carbon dioxide, and we need to rein it in if we want to address global warming. Organizations like the Center for Food Safety and Earthjustice are pushing the EPA to create stronger standards to hold both factory farms and the oil and gas industries accountable.

The Environmental Protection Agency needs to hear from you!

Each year, the oil and gas industry releases 16 million metric tons of methane into the atmosphere, and factory farms account for 13% of the methane emissions in this country.

It’s time to work together to cut methane pollution across the board, from the oil and gas industry to factory farms.

PLEASE sign both petitions and let your voice be heard!

Center for Food Safety and Earthjustice


Tell President Biden to End His Offshore Drilling Plans!

It is so hypocritical!  On one hand, the Biden administration has put forward the boldest climate change and clean energy agenda of any U.S. presidency, starting with the president’s Build Back Better agenda, and on the other hand he is making deals with the oil and gas industry to lease huge swaths of water for off shore drilling.

Right now, the administration is considering a proposal to sell over a million acres of Alaska’s coastline for offshore drilling.

They’re accepting public input until December 13. Please let them know how you feel!

Last month, the Biden administration leased over 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico to the fossil fuel industry. That is complete insanity! We need to be moving towards 100% clean energy now, and Off Shore Drilling is NOT a PART of the PLAN!

We must fight to end these devastating lease sales NOW.



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