Take Action: Cancer-Causing Ingredient Found in Pepsi Products, Stop the Lies about Carrageenan, Keep Glyphosate Off Your Plate

Cancer-Causing Ingredient Found in Pepsi Products Nationwide ? Except California!

Unless you live in California, you can be sure to find 4-MEI, a chemical known to cause cancer, in Pepsi products. In testing of cola products from ten states, CEH found high levels of 4-MEI in ALL Pepsi cola products, while 9 out of ten Coke products were found without 4-MEI problems. More than a year ago both companies stated they would eliminate this toxic ingredient from their products. Testing has shown that Coke has changed – and now Pepsi says that their products will also be made without 4-MEI, but not until next February 2014! Urge Pepsi to clean up its act! Tell CEO Indra Nooyi that you want safer soda, not Pepsi with a cancer-causing chemical!

Tell the EPA to Keep Glyphosate off Your Plate!

For years, Monsanto has said that its best-selling weedkiller, Roundup, and its main chemical ingredient glyphosate were safe.During this time several studies have linked Roundup and glyphosate to an alarming number of diseases threatening animal and human health, Glyphosate Found to Fuel Cancer Cell Growth, Pose Carcinogenic Threatincluding obesity, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer?s. Now officials in the Obama administration?s Environmental Protection Agency are attempting to raise the allowable chemical residue of glyphosate in many important food crops that we eat everyday, including vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes and flax and sunflower seeds. It’s time to investigate GMOs, Roundup and glyphosate?s impact on human health and the environment and stop working side by side with Monsanto to try to raise the residue limits for a chemical that has potentially harmful effects on our health. Tell President Obama and the EPA that Americans deserve less chemicals on their food not more! Reject the increase in chemical residues allowed on your food. Every voice counts!

Tell The Honest Company and Tom?s of Maine: Stop the Lies about Carrageenan

Recently, The Honest Company released a new toothpaste for kids, which unfortunately, contains the harmful ingredient carrageenan.? Soon after its debut, customer complaints poured in, only to receive a response telling them that they are all ?confused? and ?misinformed? about the difference between degraded carrageenan and food-grade carrageenan?and that food-grade carrageenan is perfectly safe.?Screen Shot 2013-07-08 at 11.42.49 AMDozens of scientific, peer-reviewed studies have tested food-grade carrageenan and found it caused gastrointestinal inflammation, ulcerations, lesions and even colon cancer in laboratory animals. ?Recently, a study funded by the American Diabetes Association linked the consumption of food-grade carrageenan to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in mice. Carraggeenan is clearly not a safe ingredient to be using, especially in products marketed specifically at kids. Please post on Honest Company?s Facebook wall and Tom?s of Maine?s Facebook wall?and tell them to remove this harmful ingredient.